#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
Window *listWin (Display *disp, unsigned long *len);
char *nameWin (Display *disp, Window win);
void sendKey(Display* disp, char letter);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int i, counter, selectWindow, currentState;
unsigned long len;
char *name;
XKeyEvent esend;
Display *disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window *list, currentWindow;
std::string data;
XGetInputFocus(disp, ¤tWindow, ¤tState); // Getting the current focused window
list = (Window*)listWin(disp,&len); // Getting all the windows
for (i=0;i<(int)len;i++) {
name = nameWin(disp,list[i]);
std::cout << i << " : " << name << std::endl; // Display window's name
std::cout << "Wich window do you want to use ?" << std::endl;
if(selectWindow<0 || selectWindow >i){
std::cout << "Invalid window" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "Data to send ?" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of sending : " << std::endl;
std::cin >> counter;
for(counter;counter > 0; counter--){
XSetInputFocus(disp, list[selectWindow],RevertToPointerRoot,0);
sendKey(disp, data[i]); // Send a char to the window
sleep(1); // Sleep is needed, otherwise, the return caracter is not send.
sendKey(disp, '\n');
XSetInputFocus(disp, currentWindow, RevertToPointerRoot, 0); // Put the old window on focus
return 0;
void sendKey(Display* disp, char letter){ // Send a char to the selected window
KeySym key;
switch(letter){ // this switch is requiered to handle all the keyboards, you can add case: if you need
case '1': key = XK_1; break;
case '2': key = XK_2; break;
case '3': key = XK_3; break;
case '4': key = XK_4; break;
case '5': key = XK_5; break;
case '6': key = XK_6; break;
case '7': key = XK_7; break;
case '8': key = XK_8; break;
case '9': key = XK_9; break;
case '0': key = XK_0; break;
case 'a': key = XK_a; break;
case 'b': key = XK_b; break;
case 'c': key = XK_c; break;
case 'd': key = XK_d; break;
case 'e': key = XK_e; break;
case 'f': key = XK_f; break;
case 'g': key = XK_g; break;
case 'h': key = XK_h; break;
case 'i': key = XK_i; break;
case 'j': key = XK_j; break;
case 'k': key = XK_k; break;
case 'l': key = XK_l; break;
case 'm': key = XK_m; break;
case 'n': key = XK_n; break;
case 'o': key = XK_o; break;
case 'p': key = XK_p; break;
case 'q': key = XK_q; break;
case 'r': key = XK_r; break;
case 's': key = XK_s; break;
case 't': key = XK_t; break;
case 'u': key = XK_u; break;
case 'v': key = XK_v; break;
case 'w': key = XK_w; break;
case 'x': key = XK_x; break;
case 'y': key = XK_y; break;
case 'z': key = XK_z; break;
case 'A': key = XK_a; break;
case 'B': key = XK_b; break;
case 'C': key = XK_c; break;
case 'D': key = XK_d; break;
case 'E': key = XK_e; break;
case 'F': key = XK_f; break;
case 'G': key = XK_g; break;
case 'H': key = XK_h; break;
case 'I': key = XK_i; break;
case 'J': key = XK_j; break;
case 'K': key = XK_k; break;
case 'L': key = XK_l; break;
case 'M': key = XK_m; break;
case 'N': key = XK_n; break;
case 'O': key = XK_o; break;
case 'P': key = XK_p; break;
case 'Q': key = XK_q; break;
case 'R': key = XK_r; break;
case 'S': key = XK_s; break;
case 'T': key = XK_t; break;
case 'U': key = XK_u; break;
case 'V': key = XK_v; break;
case 'W': key = XK_w; break;
case 'X': key = XK_x; break;
case 'Y': key = XK_y; break;
case 'Z': key = XK_z; break;
case 'é': key = XK_2; break;
case 'è': key = XK_7; break;
case '!': key = XK_exclam; break;
case ' ': key = XK_space; break;
case '\n': key = XK_Return; break;
default : key = XK_space; break;
XTestGrabControl (disp, True);
XTestFakeKeyEvent (disp, XKeysymToKeycode(disp, key), True, 0);
XTestFakeKeyEvent (disp, XKeysymToKeycode(disp, key), False, 0);
XSync (disp, False);
XTestGrabControl (disp, False);
Window *listWin (Display *disp, unsigned long *len) { // List all the application running on X
Atom prop = XInternAtom(disp,"_NET_CLIENT_LIST",False), type;
int form;
unsigned long remain;
unsigned char *list;
if (XGetWindowProperty(disp,XDefaultRootWindow(disp),prop,0,1024,False,XA_WINDOW,
&type,&form,len,&remain,&list) != Success) {
return 0;
return (Window*)list;
char *nameWin (Display *disp, Window win) { // Return a window name
Atom prop = XInternAtom(disp,"WM_NAME",False), type;
int form;
unsigned long remain, len;
unsigned char *list;
if (XGetWindowProperty(disp,win,prop,0,1024,False,AnyPropertyType,
&type,&form,&len,&remain,&list) != Success) {
return NULL;
return (char*)list;